Many of you know I’m a big jazz fan and play trumpet…so when Boomer can you Q I jumped at the chase….Let’s see what happens
The Thang
Mosey around parking lot back to flag (oh wait there was no flag…more on that later).
In cadence: 15xSSH, 8xCotton Pickers, 13xHillbillies.
Mosey to church parking lot…Swiss arrives just in time!
Round 1 – 1 Burpee to star then mosey to first island for 5x burpees, mosey back for 1x then to second island for 10x burpees, mosey back for 1x then to 3rd island for 15x
Round 2 – same pattern but with Merkins and Monkey Humpers
Round 3 – Mountain Climbers and Star Jumps
Next to end on a strong note YHC thought a solid round of 11’s would be good: 1x Makhtar N’Diayes and 10 Squats
Mosey back to flag…pause at Hurricane’s for lunges and the 6.
On your 6!
In cadence- 15x Freddy Mercurys , 10x Wipers, 20x… oh wait Flo had to note that time was up! Oh well no Dying Cockroaches.
Praise for BRD’s wife expecting a 2.0!
Prayers for HYC and family dealing with night shift schedule, for Boomer’s M and family as she travels to be with mother at the first anniversary of M’s father passing, prayers for those still recovering from the hurricanes.
Lots of football mumble chatter…always a good time of year! YHC asked about the flag and Boomer stated it was left in his car (he road with PITA)…then made the joke that we should do 10 burpees for his forgiveness. HYC didn’t have the energy…so it was ignored.
GREAT weather today and great to be out with you fine gentlemen.