Spin Cycle
Simba and ran YHC4 miles. It was great! We prayed and stuff…it was great! You should try it too if you like running and praying! Aye!
Simba and ran YHC4 miles. It was great! We prayed and stuff…it was great! You should try it too if you like running and praying! Aye!
Glad to report of a great morning at #thehooch this a.m. With rain threatening YHC brought some different kind of #DRPs for the PAX to chew on and swallow. Warm-up: Mosey around the lot and circle back for some SSHs, Hillbillies, and Imperial Walkers. COT: That’s right we stopped and …
The inaugural launch of the No Longer Bound / Caney Creek AO (yet to be officially named although YHC thinks Caney Creek is a perfectly fine AO name) was almost just a regular F3 beatdown as the clock struck 5:15 and no FNG’s were on site. As we all looked …
It was a day meant for a workout with a “Wave” in it. We waved Welcome back to Moonshine and Goodbye to Catfish prior to his move to Tennessee. At 0530, 15 pax started off with a brisk mosey over to the Children of the corn for the warmup. Warmup: …