Paper of Mild Discomfort

When: 08/09/2017

QIC: Flo

PAX (): The Dab, Saint 2.0, Sneakers, Catfish, Sunshine (sort of), Piggie, El Matador

8 PAX including YHC moseyed to the back lot at #thehooch for some paper of pain action.  Light drizzle turned in to lightning so we ended a little early.  Remember, we are crazy, not stupid.  El Matador was leading the charge through a myriad of exercises, lots of reps (50 or 100 depending on the exercise), and a lap in between for fun.  That lightning saved you b/c I was just about to make my move to catch you.  Sunshine got left behind this morning and somehow found us once the work was almost done (shocker).  Sneakers learned that doing the P.O.P. with a ruck sack is a BAD IDEA.  Piggie is getting back to pre-baby form and Saint 2.0 is pretty much a core #hooch faithful now.  The Dab enjoyed the mosey lap in between exercises and Catfish was solid as usual.

COT: Prayers for particular job situations, for general household anxiety due to season shifting, and for the group as leaders.

Moleskin: be looking for a second F night at an establishment somewhere in the area in the next few weeks once the school start dies down.  More to follow.

The Dab said he is up for another Friday run so check the message board for more info.

Coffeeteria: The Dab, Catfish, Sunshine, YHC, and El Matador shared a cup of joe and talked about life for a while.  Mr. Belding popped in Starbucks and we had a chance to say hello.

For those in town over labor day, consider signing up for the CamelHump.

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