Just Hard Work

When: 10/28/2017

QIC: Miller Time

PAX (): Devito, Nacho, Saint 2.0, Locksmith, Special K, HaHa, Miller Time, Zohan

Eight Men showed for some hard work on a warm Widow Maker morning.  We started with a mosey down to the bottom lot below the WM hill.   Some warm ups included SSH, IW’s, Mountain Climbers and cotton pickers.

Next we moseyed out onto King’s field for some 30’s.  5 BB situps followed by a run to the other end of the field for 25 Squats with 5 burpee’s at mid field.  Each time we increased by 5 on one end and decreased by 5 on the other and always those burpees in the middle.  Wait, where did Nacho go?  Oh yeah, he’ll be back in a few minutes.   Besides he finished minutes before everyone.

Next we did some low hold mercans followed by a mosey to the bottom lot again where we partnered up.  Partner A Karaokied up the hill while B did 5 burpee’s and chased him down, flap jack all the way to the top.  It’s always at this point you can sense the pax hoping we are done with the hill.  NOPE, back down.  Second lap up was backwards with mid point 20 lunges followed by backwards to the top.  Next we Moseyed to the Swing sets where partner A did swerkins to exhaustion while B did crunchy frogs x 2 rounds.  A trip to the pull up bars for a similar setup with Partner A doing pull ups while B did star jumps for 3 rounds.  Next we moseyed back to the turf field with a quick stop for a BTTW session.

Back to the turf field for some MARY and that was it.


Prayers for Devito and his Manager regarding an impactful decision
Prayers for those PAX working thru injuries


Locksmith impressive on the pull ups.  He does many and with ease.
Special K with a burst of competitive spirit on the BTTW session holding out the longest
Devito led the charge on smack talk and inspiration on this morning.  His pre beatdown Ruck session Crack Juice always keeps him fired up
Always a pleasure to lead these fine men!



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