Olaf for a PR distance

When: 09/25/2017

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (): Olaf, Ha-ha

You know, much of F3 is a challenge to get better.  To go harder or get faster, stronger, better.  The measuring stick we use is sometimes those around us.  But we should be using ourselves to measure our progress.  If XXX PAX is killing it that can be my motivation but I have to measure my progress from where I am coming from.  It is in that spirit that I celebrate with my brother, Olaf, for his PR distance run this morning of 5 miles!  A breakthrough achievement for him this morning!

We arrived at the AO this morning about 0525 and made our plan. South on the Greenway at an easy pace to get some endurance training in.  As we were starting Olaf said he may need a walk break as he had never gone this far before.  No problem! We are in it together.

As we approached the GA400 underpass I mentioned that if we go just past 400 and turn around it would be 5 miles total so we went to 2.5 miles and made the turn keeping a comfortable pace back to the AO.  Not a single walk break was taken when we made it back up the hill to the parking area!  5.0 miles.

Great job, Olaf!


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