The Wreck Boys in the house

When: 09/19/2017

QIC: Zima

PAX (): Meatloaf, Bear, Nacho Libre, Fondue Guy, Miller time, Cookie, Legos, Bronco, Zohan, Saban, Crack, Mayham, IBeam, Toothpick, Chelsea, Smackdown, Jackalope, Devito, Moonshine, Special K, TO, Krueger, Lundberg, Zima

This morning’s beatdown at The Rubicon, I sensed a presence I hadn’t felt in a long time – Numbers!  We hit over 20!  At 0530 we set out on a mosey to the north side of the park.

The Warmup

Warmup began with SSH, then Hillbillies, Cotton pickers and Circle burps. After warmup, a Mosey to the rock pile to grab a coupon.

The Thang

After grabbing a coupon each PAX moseyed to field of dreams.  After lining up along the right field foul line the following routine began.

1. Run the length of the entire warning track (foul line to foul line) and the back again.  Once you’ve run the full length and back each pax did the following exercies: 10 merkins, 10 squats and 10 burpees.   Rinse and repeat from 10 reps, down to 9,8,7 etc. until most pax had made it down to 5 reps.  After a 10 count, on to the next exercise

The Twin Tower of Trust. Pax lined up across from each other, grabbed their rock and held it out eye length in front of them and formed a tunnel.  Pax at the very end bear crawled to the end.  Each Pax took a turn until every pax crawled under the tunnel.  Rinse and repeat 3x.

FInally a mosey to drop off our rocks and back to the flag.  Brief round of Mary Dolly’s and elbow planks finished the beatdown.


2nd F this Thurs at Alpharetta Food Truck Alley at 6:30.

Reminder Caney Creek beatdown supporting No Longer Bound Wednesday at 5:15.

Pre-order for F3Alpha shirts is underway –  need to get to 12 total in order for order to be fulfilled.

Tuesday Q opportunity at The Rubicon for Q4.  I am happy to help someone get a VQ under their belt if interested.

Also, coming next month at Widowmaker a rotation sign up sheet will begin so we can have Qs from each AO represented.

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