Typical NLB run
Typical NLB run
Nice mosey to start the year, Hollywood was looking for at least a 10K and we had plenty of PAX ready to oblige!
Starting off 2023 with a purpose to get better, not worse, and not staying the same…
Birthday Q! YHC was honestly touched, as we had perhaps the biggest non-Ironpax turnout ever at Academy. Great way to start off a birthday and…
I had these grand plans for the Holidays, which went straight to heck when my M got the Corona a week before Christmas, then shared…
Day 2 of the weeklong discount event got off to a great start, as we actually had a newly EH’d FNG courtesy of Popper (who…
Read moreNo Coupons Were Harmed in the Conduct of this Beatdown
One day on Slack Stu advertised that the 2023 Q sheet was open! I decided to step out of my comfort zone and Q with…