RAD – F3 style
AO: The Wreck
When: 04/03/2019
QIC: Squeegee
PAX (18): Miller Time, Pitstop, Bear, Switch, Foley, Sprocket, Smackdown, Chalupa, Rooney, Goat, Shrinkage, Deadbeat, Crablegs, Sellout, Divito, Raider, Swamp Donkey
Enough said.
Mosey to the flag by the lake for a quick warm up of:
- Imperial Walker
- Weed pickers
Mosey around the lake to the bench and found our BMX bike.
The Thang:
Everyone partnered up and grabbed a coupon. Each partner group would take a turn at the challenge while YHC would call out an exercise for the group to perform.
Partner A would take off around the lake, when they felt they were at a distance that they could outsprint partner B on the BMX bike they would raise their hand. Goal was to be the PAX that raised their hand the quickest.
PAX performed the exercise until both partners got back to the group. They did rounds of Merkins, T-Bombs, Curls, Flutter kicks, Jump Squats, Shoulder presses, Skull crushers, and Diamond Merkins.
- I believe Bear might of won the challenge but there were a lot of strong efforts
- Goat has a crazy speed we’ve all never seen before and was pretty impressive
- Sprocket lived up to his F3 name
After the BMX fun we mosey over to the hill. We did a round of sevens with burpees at the bottom and jump squats at the top of the hill. The hill always kicks the heartrate up and cuts any mumble chatter to a minimum.
After the hill we moseyed to the playground and lined up for Morning call. While a PAX does 5 pull ups the rest do 5 Merkins. We worked the line from both ends to make sure we had enough time.
With time running short we moseyed back to the flag for a few rounds of Mary to end the BD.
- Convergence on April 20th at North Park up by Windward. Look for reminders on Slack.
- Blessing to Sprocket and his M for celebrating 22 years of marriage.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
During the COT, I spoke about the importance for men recognize when they are not mentally healthy and find support. Our mental health is just as big of a part in us Getting Right. We need to make meaningful connections with other men so that we can go to them when we might feel the burdens of depression but also so we can recognize it. If you don’t feel right and don’t know who to go to then please reach out to me.