Tour de Alpharetta

AO: Rubicon

When: 06/05/2018

QIC: Cookie

PAX (): Zohan, Miller Time, Devito, Bayside, Jackelope, Pellets, Mayhem, Special K, Spandex, HaHa, Beauty, Pit Stop, Zima, Lowes, Cookie

15 PAX joined YHC for a long lost tour of Alpharetta and its’ most infamous parking deck.  Beautiful morning for a little run away from home base, low 60’s and clear skies.  So on we went.

-mosey up to the Children of Corn for SSH, Windmill, Imperial Walker
-head toward downtown parking deck, stopping for merkins, plank jacks and mountain climbers, and of course the 6 along the way

-start at the bottom of the deck, 10 merkins and then run up 1 level, doing 10 squats at the half way point
-once at the top of the 1st level, do 10 burpees, head back down the steps, rinse and repeat doing 10 merkins and 10 squats the whole time, burpees de-escalating
-burpees went from 10 to 8 to 6 to 4 as we went up each level all the way to the top
-1 extra credit lap for just for kicks
-mary for the 6
-mosey back toward the flag stopping for mary at cross streets

-announcement for Puerto Rico mission trip, we need a few more PAX to make it happen.  Late August, contact HaHa for details
-some of our PAX in conjunction with their church are collecting Oreos for the troops, calling on all PAX to bring the little devil treats to the Rubicon this Thursday
-prayers for Scar who is battling an injury
-praise to my grandfather for turning 90 today!
-4 PAX posted for coffeeteria
-always an honor to lead!

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