Spring IS here!

AO: Big Creek

When: 06/05/2018

QIC: Clyde

PAX (): Whiz, Snake, Body, Clyde

What a refreshing morning for a beatdown.   After a weekend of 120% humidity, where I had to stop and take a breath just cutting my grass and refresh myself with a cold drink…… I was revealed to walk out the door this am to Mid 60’s and a breeze.  That damn spider web that gets me EVERYTIME was still there to greet my however.

The usual’s were at Big Creek this morning minus Swiper and ready for the gloom.

Mosey to the Roman columns for warmups

SSH X 13
Imperial Walkers X 13

and mosey on to the rarely used “Back” soccer field.

The object was to complete as many rounds as possible of a group of activities in 20:18.

10 X Burpees
10 X Merkins
10 X Squat Jumps
10 X Big Boy situps
10 X Mountain climbers

Rinse and repeat as many times as possible before time is up.  Not a lot of rest in this workout, and by the end we were sweating like the humidity was up.

Mosey to Soccer pavilion for a little mini Dora.  Partner-up:

Partner 1:
100 X Jump-ups
200 X Step-ups

Partner 2:

Indian Run back to flag for a quick round of LBC’s and COT.


  •  Working on a Sunday afternoon were we could have a little cookout at my place.  Just need to clear the calendar and probably let the M know….
  • Continued prayer for Snakes job search sounds like he has some promising leads.
  • Prayers for Whiz’s current home water issues.

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