Toilet paper in the freezer… does that really work?

AO: Rubicon

When: 05/05/2022

QIC: Caffey

PAX (18): Caffey, Cookie, Devito, Dipstick, Dosido, FannyPack, Focker, Groundhog, Hollywood, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Red Ryder, Scar, Special K, Trebek, Turbine, Irene


I committed to Q this BD back in February, when I thought my son would be born on May 9th. Little did I know he would make an early appearance, and I would have to contemplate whether I was fit to lead a group of on HIM 3 hours of sleep. A decision to fully commit on Wednesday meant I had to scramble to come up with a BD, and use the date to my advantage.

I’m a huge fan of queso, all Mexican food, margaritas, and of course ice cold cerveza. With this in mind, I queued up the Cinco De Mayo playlist and hit the ground running. The disclaimer was a bit shaky, as the neurons were not all firing, but we made it through.


Run over to the old rec center and circle up for the Warm-O-Rama.

  • SSH
  • Weed picker
  • Imperial walker
  • Windmill
  • COVIDs
  • Arm circles

With that, and after professing my love for Mexican food, we headed off to the playground.

The Thang:

Thang 1: Morning Call

My workout kryptonite is pullups, so I make an effort to incorporate them into most of my beatdowns. Three PAX at a time doing 5 pull ups, while the remaining PAX are performing Mercans to their cadence. Two rounds total.

The discussion during morning call turned to favorite Mexican food, with Scar asking whether YHC likes my food spicy or mild. I said the spicier the better, and Scar proceeded to call out that I like that food so spicy that I have to put the toilet paper in the freezer. After a good laugh, YHC hears an inquisitive comment from I believe Dosido asking whether toilet paper in the freezer really works. Hearing this, all PAX died laughing and it was a bit hard for YHC to get in the remaining Mercans.

Thang 2: Tequila Sunrise

After getting myself together, I moved on to the next stage of our journey… a Tequila Sunrise. Stolen from I believe a Windjammer BD, it is basically a variation of a Mercan mile with different versions of burpees at each stop. Below are the versions we performed, and it was 5 of each burpee.

  • Standard burpee
  • Jump squat burpee: a burpee, adding a jump squat at the end
  • Plank jack burpee: a burpee, adding a plank jack
  • Hand release burpee: IYKYK
  • BDE Burpee: This one came from our good friend Lefty, as I sought out one final burpee and knew he would not be in attendance. It originated from an IronPax workout and is a burpee, a bonnie blare, and a squat jump (that is one rep).

Thang 3: DORA

Over near the field of dreams, we partnered up for a DORA. No short part of the hill today, as we all settled in nicely behind home plate at the steepest part of the hill. One partner runs the hill, while the other exercises until they meet the combined maximums of each exercise.

  • Mercans: 100
  • LBC’s (Stu style): 200
  • Sumo Squats: 300

When we finished the LBC’s, Cookie said wouldn’t it be fun if we went up the hill backwards rather than forwards. After contemplating it for a minute, I decided it was a great idea and we finished the DORA going up backwards.

Devito and some of the other fast guys finished up early and decided to bear crawl Mercan up the hill. We all audibled and went that way after finishing the DORA.

Thang 4: Four Corners

With time running short, we went to the parking lot near the flag for four corners. An escalator, where we added an exercise and reps at each corner. Overview below.

  • Corner 1: 10 Supermans
  • Corner 2: 10 Supermans, 15 flutters alpha (none of that hands under the butt here, hands in the air like you don’t care).
  • Corner 3: 10 Supermans, 15 flutters, and 20 Mercans
  • Corner 4: 10 Supermans, 15 flutters, 20 Mercans, and 25 Mike Tysons.

With time running short, we headed back to the flag for a quick ab exercise. Left hand to right hand sit up. Two on one sick and flap jack – that is one rep and we are doing 15 total (had to end early because of time).



Prayers for No-See-Um and his entire family, as his wife is transitioning into a new job. Prayers for Devito’s mom as she deals with medical issues. Praises for the birth of my newest 2.0, Sheppard, and a healthy M.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I figured we couldn’t end a Cinco De Mayo BD without having some cervezas, so I went out last night and grabbed some Coronitas (the small 7 oz. bottles) and cut up some limes in celebration. A fun way to end the BD (although FannyPack’s stomach may say otherwise), and the earliest I have had a beer in possibly my entire life.

Trabek brought the TNT and talked about considering donating any unused conference food to NLB. A great reminder to think of others in need before just disposing of extra.

The last year with this group of men has been truly amazing. They have pushed me to become stronger mentally and physically, and I truly believe have made me a better leader. I’m thankful for this group of men, and the friendships I have gained.

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