Tour de Grindstone
AO: The Grindstone
When: 04/29/2019
QIC: Cookie @blunsford4
PAX (6): Inseam, Bell, Scully, Whiz, Spit Valve, Cookie
6 PAX showed up on this beautiful spring morning, some of us recovering from the F3 Cookout the day prior. YHC had a few ideas in mind and a few others were decided on the fly. Here is what went down…
Before leaving the flag area, grab a partner and a coupon to share. The coupon would accompany us around the entire park until we returned at 6:15a promptly. Mosey over to the side parking lot for SSH, Imperial Walker, Weed Picker & Through the Tunnel.
The Thang:
Mosey to the playground for dips on the picnic table and derkins on the benches. The original idea called for swerkins, but much to my surprise the swings had been removed. Partner A does one set of exercises, partner B does the other. Switch, 3 total rounds.
Next up was a Tortoise and Hare run with your coupon and partner. Partner A took the coupon, partner B did 3 burpees and then runs to catch A. This went from the back of the park to the front entrance.
Conveniently there was a very long, narrow parking lot at the front, perfect for DB drills going down. Coming back up, we did a Lt Dan, a 1:4 ratio of squat and lunge.
Now that our legs were worn out, we hit the concession wall for :45 seconds of BTTW. Extra credit of :15 seconds was added as an option for a few.
Last, we headed to the football field with our coupons for a little Quarter Pounder routine. Run to the 25 yd line for 25 merkins, backwards to the goal line. 50 yd line for 50 Mtn Climbers, backward, etc. 75 squats and 100 LBC’s to finish. Now it was time for the Quarter Pounder w/Cheese (aka coupon). Same routine but carry rock and perform 25 skull crushers, 50 overhead press, 75 rows and 100 curls.
Back to the flag for 1 MOM, a low plank.
Prayers and praise for Bell’s family, especially his wife who is recovering from recent surgery. TCLAPS to the PAX who made it out to the cookout, it was a fun day with friends and family.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The HIM’s of Grindstone have decided to add Wednesdays back to the schedule starting next Wednesday, May 8th.
Always an honor to lead…