Strong posting at The Hooch

When: 05/24/2017

QIC: El Matador

PAX (): Sneakers, Mufasa, Nacho Libre, The Dab, Catfish

6 PAX were not afraid of the gloomy, wet morning, and it paid off!  Several PAX missing due to travel and end of school year, but those who posted were very strong.  The Dab was still getting reviews from Monday’s Deck of Pain, but he seemed to have gotten his aggression out.  Mufasa stopped by, glad to see the King!  He and Nacho have apparently been hitting every AO so far this, admirable effort gentlemen!  Here’s what went down:

Mosey around the parking lot for Warmup

Cotton Pickers X10

Squats X10

Merkins X10


Mosey to the church, the PAX thought we were headed to the outdoor chapel?  Stop by the rock wall for Aiken Legs: SquatsX20, Box JumpsX20, LungesX20, and Split JacksX20.  Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds.  Not much rest, time to Mosey!

Over to the parking lot for some bear crawls.  YHC was looking to have some fun, so we crawled across the lot and back with a stop for 10 Merkins.  We went 6 rounds, and amazing effort by all!  How did Catfish get stronger as we went on?  Never give up – outstanding.

Mosey back to the playground for 300 LBC’s.  Partner up, and do dips/incline merkins every 30 LBC’s.  Just enough time to dodge the sprinklers and make it back to the Flag, but no time for Mary.  Sneakers is looking strong, those Rucks and extra work are paying off!  All PAX made it back timely.

Continued prayers for the job search with Ralphie and Squirrel.  Dab’s friend & daughter are doing well, with an important surgery happening.  Pray for Sneakers as he has some important client meetings happening.  Lots of travel going on as school ends.

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