
Chuck Norris

The one and only Chuck Norris turned 77 yesterday. He’s a screenwriter, a film producer, an actor, and most of all a kick-ass martial artist. We dedicated today’s beatdown to this living american legend; and YHC threw in several of the best Chuck Norris jokes along the way. An example …

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Have you seen my Baseball?

Well I thought it was supposed to getting close to Baseball season with Spring Training underway, and me having to cover a double header at school, and that made me think a little F3 baseball would be a great way to ruin a perfectly good morning.  Apparently the PAX at …

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Oh Deer!

Conditions: 55 degrees and calm.  A squall line had just passed through starting at about 3:30 am.  Mucho fireworks from the sky.  I drove to the AO in heavy rain that stopped just as I reached Hoppy-like.  At 5:32 I was ready to move out. YHC was excited to show …

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Donkey Kick Thursday

Another glorious morning at the Rubicon with 38 degree’s, no wind and 9 men ready to sharpen some iron!  Everyone looked like they wanted to run so off we went up to the Children of the Corn. Warm Up – SSH, CH Squats, Toy Soldiers, Cotton Pickers The Thang Another …

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Blades of Glory?? Nice pull.

Eight men showed their snooze button who was boss this morning and got stronger…here’s what went down. Mosey around the lot.  Slide left, slide right, high knees and butt kickers.  Circle up for SSH, Cotton Pickers and Merkins. The fun started on the way to the church… Chatter began as we …

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Howling monkeys and grizzlies

My day had finally arrived to Q the newly formed AO of Cherokee Co! Baby Face, one of the finest I’ve had the honor of serving with, had asked for volunteers at the new AO. I enjoy Q’ng, but getting away from what you know and out of your comfort …

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Safe to return…?

After last week’s start to the beat down that was about as strange as the pilot episode of “The Walking Dead,” a few PAX escaped from the fart sack to see if the coast was clear for a return to the Creek.  Good news…all clear, but a few seemed to …

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TO Q’d

YHC posting on behalf of TO while he gets squared away with login to the website. The  PAX gathered to share what was going to be TO’s VQ. What a fine one it was – 2 minutes before time, TO takes off before the warm up to warm up, signaling …

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