
Lucky Charms

Mosey to Upper Parking Lot Warmup 10 – SSH 10 – WM 10 – CP 10 – CDD 10 – Merkins Indian Run to Gym wall Wall sit and one person sprints to tree and back Balls to Wall Repeat 4 times – Donkey Kicks 10x Run to Tree Balls …

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We had a bear, but no bear crawls!

10 were out getting stronger this A/M.  Always keep in mind that your aren’t just freed FROM something, but freed TO something.  As always honored to lead and thankful to call you guys brothers. Galatians 5:13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as …

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Brok-Back Mountain

11 showed up this spring morning brok back beatdown.  Despite the pre-blast warnings Nacho couldn’t scare off all of the pax. Warm up Mosey down to the side of the basketball court.    15 Side Straddle Hops 10 Long slow deep cotton pickers 15 merkins   The Thang Mosey over …

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Double Down Dorafest

In spite of the recent Daylight Savings Swindle that took place Saturday night, 8 pax faced the gloom and got after it. The weather was perfect this morning, and we better enjoy it while we got it. Here is what happened. Warmup: IC SSH Squats Cotton Pickers Short warmup so …

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We’re not going to run today

10 PAX in the Rubicon for an alternate parking location, same flag location kind of morning. YHC gave an extra 2 min to let everyone get situated and we moseyed to the tennis court. Very brief warmup and then on for a ‘Merican Hammer Mile. The Wills Road 1-mile loop …

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7 Miler

4 PAX rolled up to Mugs for a Friday morning stroll. The range of how far we should run was from 5 to 8 miles, but the PAX settled on 7. From Mugs the group went west on Milton Avenue, which turns into Mid Broadwell, Left onto a very brief …

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VQ with something to prove!

10 Pax in attendance on this beautiful morning, reminding us that spring is just around the corner. WARM-UP Mosey to children of corn (1/2 mile) -side straddle hop -windmill -cotton picker THE THANG Mosey to dog park track -balls to wall -Bojangles Biscuit run (sprint on the straightaways, mosey around …

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Coming to Q on 2 Wheels

What a nice morning in the Hooch. That place is going to get humid soon so very enjoyable this morning. YHC pulls up with about 10 seconds to spare due to a brief pit stop. Let’s get this thing warmed up, but Boomer made a good call and asked that …

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