Humpers or Jumpers?
AO: The Hooch
When: 03/08/2023
QIC: Scrooge
PAX (17): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Dinghy, Flo, Maguire, McCracken, Meatball, Morphine, Saint2O, Sunshine, Tenderfoot, TURK, Zima, Zohan
16 PAX showed up at the Hooch for a good, old fashioned Scrooge BD. Nothing special planned, just the BAS, a good playlist and some hard work.
Circled up and did some
Weed Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
..and we moseyed to the other side of the Hooch PL.
The Thang:
We hit the ground running with Thang 1…
Thang 1: catch me if you can Bernie Sanders. P1 does 10 Merkins, while P2 Bernie’s. P1 sprints to catch and flap jack. We did two laps around the lot. Jacked the heart rate right up.
Thang 2: 11’s with good old, fashioned Monkey Humpers (or Jumpers). YHC was typing up the BD before hand and apparently Evernote doesn’t like the word “humper” – so, I decided we’ll try something new (assuming it’s not already in the exicon), Monkey Jumpers. They burned… the other exercise was diamond Merkins. Twist on this was you had to sprint between the exercise locations vs. a regular mosey.
Thang 3: Good old Dora… P1 does exercises below while P2 runs a full lap. As usual the HRMs generated a few moans.
100 HRMs
200 Squats
300 LBCs
Thang 4: Back to 11s, but this time it was Alpha Mountain Climbers and Plank Jacks. Just mosey between.
We moseyed back to the flag for a few Mary exercises – crunch frogs and something else I forgot.
It was a burner.
Prayers for Dinghy and his job situation and multiple events coming up, CSAUP, etc.
Always a pleasure to lead brothers. You push me.