Throwing wrenches

AO: The Wreck

When: 10/19/2018

QIC: Squeegee

PAX (): Divot, Grande, AFLAC, Sellout, Bear, Thumper, Sprocket, Hosen, Patch, Rusty, Jackalope, TP, Foley, Rooney, Swamp Donkey, Bieber

YHC wanted to mix it up a bit this morning and try a little F3 dodgeball.  The M was kind enough to let the PAX borrow some dodgeballs from her school.  Was disappointed when they weren’t the old school red rubber ones that were guaranteed to leave a mark.

A nice crew of 17 PAX showed as we hit the 5:30 mark and we moseyed off to play gym class.


Finished our warm up mosey at the football parking lot and completed some of the following the get the joints loosened:

  • SSH
  • Arm Circles both ways
  • Weed Pickers
  • Hillbillies

Moseyed down to the lower field and lined up on the goal line.  Jogged half way and then sprinted the second half.  Lined the PAX up for on the back fence to do calf raises as I put on my tight gym shorts, pulled up the white socks and laid down the instruction.


F3 Dodgeball:  Counted off into four teams.  1 vs 2 and 3 vs 4.

Round One:  Teams moved around the court of play by doing walking lounges.  If a PAX was hit by a ball, then they had to do 10 Burpees.  The PAX that threw the ball has to do 10 donkey kicks to get back in the game.  If any PAX is hit while doing their exercises the offending PAX had to go to the middle of the field and do 30 monkey humpers.  While they looked ridiculous in the humper position all PAX had an open invitation to wail away.

Round Two:  Same as above except PAX move around doing broad jumps.  If a PAX was hit they had to do 10 diamond Merkins and the throwing PAX had to do 10 squat jumps.  The “jerk” rule was still in play.

Round Three: All PAX got on the same court.  Teams 1 and 2 vs 3 and 4.  As a PAX was hit they had to go to the side and run in place.  We completed two games with an equal amount of chaos, testosterone and revenge shots to call it a day.

Moseyed back to the playground to complete a round of morning call.  As Divot’s birthday present, I let him bring up the back of the line.  Then back to the flag for 5 or 6 rounds of Mary.

Dodgeball Observations

  • I ask all the PAX to say a prayer for Bear and his recovery from his bully high school days.  I assume he is still working through his “I’m sorry” list of kids he destroyed in all games played.  He picked up a squirrel at one point in the match and bite its head off to use as ball b/c all others where just too far away.
  • No one pray for SellOut any more.  He is just fine.  He landed one solid ball too my nuts and then finished it off with one to the nose.
  • After getting destroyed for about 10 mins, I was willing to do the time and had to take a cheap shot to feel the revenge rush.  Easies time(money humpers) I ever served.
  • Sprocket looked like a machine powered by diesel fuel.   He was firing balls at a pace that was close to an automatic machine gun.  It was impressive.
  • Hope teams 3 and 4 had as much fun as 1 and 2.  Pass any good stories on Slack if you have them.


  • Convergence is at Wills Park at 7:AM
  • Rounding up PAX to run next weekend at Battle of Big Creek
  • Prayer for co-worker who lost his son last week in a motorcycle accident

Thank you men for your friendship and the laughter this morning.


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