Don’t Call it a Pearl Necklace

AO: The Norseman

When: 10/16/2018

QIC: Foghorn

PAX (): HaHa, Nacho Libre, Berns, Foghorn

HaHa with the aptly named “String of Pearls” workout this morning.. just don’t call it the Pearl Necklace. YHC scheduled this Q with Nacho Libre, and if it wasn’t for the Q, YHC would have snoozed the alarm clock and slept through the gloom. But as always, no regrets on getting out and missing that extra hour and a half of sleep. YHC even snagged the flag for the extra accountability to post on Thursday.

The Warmup:
Mosey to the main road, stopping for SSH and the other usual warmup routines. Mosey to the pavilion off ‘Miracle Field’

The Thang:
Move from one wall to the next, 1 donkey kick OYO, followed by 1 cadence count of Balls to the Wall. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and on up to 10.

Copperhead Dips x 10

Mosey to the turf field.

Catch Me If You Can around 4 corners of the field.

Round 1: Crab Walk, Bear Crawl, Moktars
Round 2: Backwards Run, Forward Run, Merkins
Round 3: Backwards Run, Forward Run, Squat Jumps

Copperhead Dips x 10

Ring of Fire, each PAX takes a variation of the Merkin x 10.

Mosey to the Prayer Gardens to satisfy YHC’s curiosity.. great spot in the gloom. Squat x 15.

Mosey back to the flag for 5MOM.

Prayers for God to continue to use us as a light in a dark world.

At this point, is HaHa in the gloom 7 days a week? That guy is everywhere. Love seeing him everytime.

Nacho holding YHC accountable to the Norseman, great Site Q for any AO.

Berns solid this morning. A great addition to the PAX. See you next time.


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