Post GrowRuck Beatdown

When: 11/21/2017

QIC: Ha-haFlutter kicks

PAX (): Special K, Saban, Scar ( FNG), Hombre, Spandex, Cookie, Boomer, Devito, Miller Time, Mufasa, Ha-ha

11 PAX posted for a Thanksgiving week Tuesday morning to get their DRP and put a downpainment on their turkey feast.  It seemed like a good day for the girlfriends to come back for a visit so after a short disclaimer we moved out, girlfriends in tow, for the upper pool parking lot.


Warm up


Cotton pickers

Imperial walkers


The Thang:

Being inspired by OBT’s beat down at GrowRuck we did the Dirty McDuce:

1. merkins
2. Squats w/ bag
3. Burpees w/ bag overhead at end

Run a lap with a stride ( acceleration to max speed the immediate return to jog)
4. Press w/ bag
5. Lunge w/ bag
6. Curl w/ bag

Run a lap with a stride
7. Derkins with feet on partner’s back in plank
8. BBSU w/ partner
9. Rows w/ bag

Run a lap with a stride
10. Skull crushers w/ bag
11. Jump squats w/ bag
12. Bag swing (between legs to over head)

Run a lap with a stride

Being sufficiently winded we circled up for some Mary.

Flutter kicks

American hammer

Freddy Mercury

Dieing cockroach

We picked up our girls and returned them to the truck and Mosied to the pavilion.

Dips and steps ups alternating for several rounds with some Derkins thrown in.

We returned to the flag for 6 inches keeping  your heels up.

Bounce to the center, left, right keep heels up

Dolly – keep them up


Time was up and we wrapped it up.


We went around and all gave something we were thankful for: family, F3, Jesus, jobs and country led the list.

Prayers for PAX traveling


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