9 PAX gathered at Caney Creek for an old Cookie favorite. Mucho Chesto cycle, with a “cold hands” audible twist. It went something like this…
-quick lap around the parking lot, scoop up Moonshine and we’re off
-mosey toward the trail, past the dog park and into the field
-Side Straddle Hop
-Cotton Picker
-Circle Burp
-short mosey to the middle of the field for a Mucho Chesto cycle
-10 regular merkins at home, bear crawl to 1st base
-10 wide merkins at 1st, crab walk to 2nd
-10 diamond merkins at 2nd, reverse crab to 3rd
-10 stagger at 3rd, cheetah crawl home
-10 reverse stagger
After completing the 1st round, YHC had two observations. 1) the wet grass was much more cold on our hands than I had expected. 2) not having an actual baseball diamond is really hard to figure out where to start and stop. 2nd Round was therefore postponed….more on that later.
-Mosey back over to the parking lot for Dora 1-2-3
-partner runs to the end and back while other partner does 100 Peter Parkers, 200 Squats & 300 LBC’s
-LBC’s and reverse LBC’s to wait on the six
-now that our hands had thawed out, we had unfinished business to attend to
-mosey over to the wide part of the parking lot for 2nd round of Mucho Chesto cycle
-10 regular merkins at home, bear crawl to 1st base
-10 wide merkins at 1st, crab walk to 2nd
-10 diamond merkins at 2nd, reverse crab to 3rd
-10 stagger at 3rd, cheetah crawl home
-10 reverse stagger
-Mosey over to the lighted bathroom area for balls to the wall
-no surprise, Nacho was last man standing
-short mosey over for 4 MOM led by various PAX
Humbled to lead this group. 5 regular Alpha PAX, 2 NLB PAX and 2 PAX from John’s Creek 1st Baptist Church. Prayers for those injured or sick, including T.O. and Mufasa’s friend Crossbow. Turkey Day Flag Football game next Thursday 7am at the Widowmaker.