About 20 months ago, YHC attended his first beat down on a Saturday morning at the Rubicon. After a few more Saturday posts, YHC retired from Saturdays as it became the only day to sleep in and I just did not have the motivation to get up and drive to Alpharetta. Then a combination of factors has lead to YHC deciding to comeback out of Saturday retirement. Crack has provide positive reinforcement about F3 and its purpose. Pax have stepped up and filled leadership roles. And Babyface and Bloodhound have done a great job getting the Cherokee AO up and running. Also, I must admit a 7 min drive to a beat down makes it a lot easier to get up and head out into the gloom (after enjoying my cup of coffee at home, instead of the road). We have had on average 10 Pax these early weeks and Saturday seems to be a good option to continue to grow the AO reaching as many sadclowns as possible. So as Babyface and Bloodhound are out at the Spartan (#CSAUP), it was an opportunity for YHC to post on a Saturday and take the Q. It is also a perfect opportunity for any Pax who have not explored the new AO to venture out and meet some of your new brothers.
There will be some similarities with some of the Rubicon’s traditional routes and plans, but adapted to the natural terrain. Just know there has been a theme this week and it shall carry on tomorrow in honor of our Spartan Brothers. If you know any sadclowns out this way put them in an EH and come out for a rainy beat down. See you in the gloom.