Safe to return…?

When: 03/07/2017

QIC: Swiper

PAX (): The Body, Clyde, Darth Visor

After last week’s start to the beat down that was about as strange as the pilot episode of “The Walking Dead,” a few PAX escaped from the fart sack to see if the coast was clear for a return to the Creek.  Good news…all clear, but a few seemed to think it might be best to wait it out just a couple more days.  Probably good thinking, but 4 did adhere to the “jump in, check the depth later” approach. Here’s how she went…

Mosey down to the parking lot by the Superdome for Warm up’s:


Copperhead Squats


The Thang:

Metric Merkin Mile up Mt. Culiminjaro stopping at every light pole for 10 Merkins OYO.  The New and improved stealth version of Darth Visor set the pace on this one with the group staying close together.

Once at the top, we lined up for some BLIMPS up and down the tree lines in the upper parking lot.

5 Burpees

10 Lunges (both legs count as 1)

15 IW’s

20 Merkins

25 Plank Jacks

30 Squats (thanks to DV on the save as YHC was a little foggy and almost performed only BLIMP, without the “S”)

Rinse and repeat with a +5 on each exercise in round 2

Mosey down the hill to the Wee Man playground for some bench work, alternating dips, incline merkins, and step ups – 2 rounds

Stop by the coupon dispenser for some non-pendant Rapid Fires 5 x 20 = 100






Quick stop by the Roman Gates for 50 LBC’s and back to the flag for Mary:






-Prayers for an infusion of men for our group- both old and new- prayers for guidance and open eyes to see as well as diligence to continue to invite

-Prayers for leadership for some F3 North Atlanta roles that are opening up for April

-Prayers for strength for Reuben as he prepares for surgery

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