Time and Repetition
AO: The Hooch
When: 05/31/2023
QIC: Popper
PAX (24): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Boomer, Breach, Doughboy, Feathers, Flo, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Maguire, Mater, Meatball, Mounty, Pigtails, Reboot, Sunshine, Wolverine, Zima, Zohan, Utah (FNG), Tightrope, Hackey-sack
YHC’s Wednesday morning commitment hardened from SC/taco to HC during weekly Taco Tuesday dinner*, after a little Birdie privately shared the news that the morning’s Hooch beatdown would now be Q-less due to Dinghy’s short-notice work travel.
As Hooch site Q, YHC stepped into the recently opened gap. Time and repetition as a PAX and a Q at The Hooch bequeaths the gift of a mental storehouse of ideas to pull from in just such an occasion. YHC committed on Slack to overcoming any Taco Tuesday intestinal complications, and formed a mental silhouette of what the morning could hold right as head struck pillow.
Six-ish hours later, YHC awoke to the morning routine and sharpened the silhouette into a rough grayscale portrait. By the time Jasper the blue pickup pulled into YHC’s unofficial official parking spot, the mental plan was as formulated as it was going to get, with some details reserved for creative spontaneity mid-beatdown.
* Care of El Trompo, per usual. Try the tacos de barbacoa, tacos al pastor de cerdo, salsa de aguacate, and guacamole (need to salt it a little to make it just right). And tell Sol that Dan says que onda.
- Five core principles and disclaimer.
- Part of the disclaimer is this substi-Q would be largely made-up on the fly, so well-meaning jeering was expected and welcome.
- Mosey to the bakery, doing high knees and butt kickers on the way
- Circle up for SSH, WP, WM, T-Rotations, and LBAC Fwd/Bwd IC
- Mosey towards Perimeter Church, making one stop for 10 Merkins and 20 Squat Jumps OYO
- Mosey to Perimeter Church patio
The Thang:
Thang 1: Dora 1-2-3
- Partner up. Together, cumulate the following reps:
- 100 Dirty Handshakes
- 200 Bridge Hip Thrusts
- 300 Dips
- Partner 1 reps while Partner 2 moseys around the pond, paying a 2 burpee toll after crossing the bridge.
- Partners switch and continue until all reps are earned. Early finishers did Mary for the six.
- Avoid stomping on a frog who calls the patio home.
Thang 2: Chapel Hill Bernie’s
- Walking 10-count to the base of Chapel Hill. Mumblechatter rang through the air. Avoid stomping on a second frog who also calls the patio home.
- Same partner pairs. Cumulate 50 Hand Release Merkins and AMRAP Squat till Q calls time.
- Partner 1 reps while Partner 2 does Bernie Sanders up the hill and moseys back around down. This is extra fun after squats.
- Partners switch and continue until all reps are earned and Q calls time
Thang 3: Back to the Flag
- Form dual single file lines. Indian Run to Starbucks end of Hooch parking lot.
- From there, mosey back to flag, stopping at each parking lane for BBS. 1 BBS at first lane, 2 at second, etc until the final lane (maybe we hit 8 max?)
- Mary at the flag for time.
Named our FNG. Welcome Utah, who enjoys surfing and escaping 50-foot waves like his namesake Johnny Utah. If you ask YHC, this FNG got off lucky in the naming ceremony.
Several announcements (may not have captured them all):
- F3 Alpha blood drive this Friday. Deets on Slack.
- Bushwood is Fridays at 6am, 10150 Groomsbridge Rd, Johns Creek. Bootcamp / Swim hybrid format. Give it a try.
- Brew Ruck on Saturday 6/17. Details forthcoming.
- Doublegate neighborhood bash 6/23. Animal’s band is playing.
Prayed for strength for Josh Shirley and for Alex, both of whom are in the struggle against cancer.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Post-beatdown, YHC was surprised and humbled by the thanks and congratulations of the Hooch PAX on a solid impromp-Q on such short notice. The truth is, the thanks belongs to the Hooch PAX for all the training YHC has received under the tutelage of their Q’s, or in previous opportunities to lead and learn what works/doesn’t work. Time in role and repetition on tasks does wonders for developing confidence and instincts in a given area; when this process is made fun in the fellowship of the Hooch PAX, there is a built-in incentive to continue developing. Honored to lead.