AO: Gladiator
When: 11/17/2022
QIC: Spandex
PAX (12): defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Judy, Laces, Macbeth, Manchester, Mater, Moonshine, RaspberryPi, Spandex, Brownie
I wasn’t feeling creative for this morning’s Birthday Beatdown. The norm seems to be having some sort of theme based on the number of years the Q was turning. YHC is turning 55 and I thought, screw having a theme, I’m going to do what I like. After all, it is my birthday.
It was time to start so YHC told the PAX we were going to partner up, lift some cinders, and do some running, all while listening to some music.
There was a total of 12 PAX on this chili morning. No FNGs were present, so we just got after it.
We left our cinders at the car for the warm-up and did a quick jog around the lot utilizing the stripes to direct our path. We circled back for our cinders and to pick up the late arrivals, Moonshine and Judy.
With cinders in tow, we all headed to the splash park parking lot to find a board of pain and a small speaker to provide some tunes.
The Thang:
We partnered up and performed the following:
There were seven exercises in total. The PAX moved to the next exercise when the tunes switched from one song to the next song.
- Blockees: Partner: Cusack to the middle, drop cinder, run to end and return, Cusack back
- Curls: Partner: Bernie Sanders ½ and run back
- Cinder Swings: Partner: Karaoke ½ and run back
- Cinder Press w/ V-ups: Partner: Run with cinder and return
- Bent over rows: Partner: Lunge walk to the middle, drop cinder, run to the end and return, lunge walk back
- Farmers Carry: Partner: Alternate 10 SSH & 10 Bonnie Blairs
- Thrusters: Partner: Run to the middle of the lot and return
We headed back to the main lot after the 7 exercises and still had more time on the clock. We did an abdominal exercise then ran around a little more doing jumps squats and burpees to make the best use of time. We closed with some more Mary and then Brownie put a cherry on top with 55 American Hammers.
Prayers for:
- Austin and his family. Healing from his head injury.
- Macbeth safe travels.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thank you for your friendship.