AO: Gladiator
When: 11/15/2022
QIC: Stroller
PAX (16): Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Irene, Judy, Macbeth, Manchester, RaspberryPi, Spandex, Speedo, Stroller, Tar Heel, Tebow, TheBigShort, Zohan, Brownie
I’ve done 2 beatdowns in the last 3 months, but the calendar says it’s my birthday and Past Stroller signed Future Stroller up to Q at the Gladiator today. I also ran a marathon 3 days ago, but that’s in the past now…let’s go!!
Scary weather forecast didn’t seem too bad as the clock hit 0515. 15 gathered to greet the day as the disclaimer was issued.
Mosey behind the rec center, avoiding Irene coming in hot. Circle up for the following:
- Imperial Walker x 15
- Weedpicker x 10
- Copperhead Squat x 15
- Mercan x 10
Mosey to the center of the pitch for a tribute to a famous #33- Patrick Roy.
Goalies need flexibility in the hips: Fire Hydrants, 11 each leg
Goalies need to operate well on their stomachs: Supermans x 11
Patrick Roy likes to fight: Nolan Ryans, 11 each side
Rinse and Repeat x 3
Mosey to the baseline
The Thang:
Gather around the Board of Pain for…Birdicides
A chance to pay tribute to two great #33s: Larry Bird and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
One partner exercises, while the other runs to the penalty box and grabs a rebound (high jump), returns to the baseline, runs to the red line and completes 1 Bobby Hurley, then returns to the baseline. Flapjack. Reach a cumulative count of 99 on each exercise.
The exercises were as follows:
Lots of activities coming up
- Thanksgiving festivities
- Santa Ruck, December 10
Gladiator shirt order opening soon!
Prayers for Bo Knows’ wife
Praise for RaspberryPi’s daughter’s recovery
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Marathon training was fulfilling in a lot of ways, but there was a LOT of solo work. Nothing can truly replace the community we have when we’re gathered together. In other words…I missed this group. Thankful to ring in another year with the men of the Gladiator.