Get out the vote!!
AO: Norseman
When: 11/08/2022
QIC: Callahan
PAX (18): Callahan, Cam's, Chapter 11, Chase Murray, Crikey, Cup Check, DeLorean, FICO, Ha-ha, HotSauce, Knight Rider, Nacho Libre, Orvis, Pepper, Stu, TMI, Untouchable, Venus
Election Day. Time to enjoy those spam texts, video ads, radio commercials and yard signs for one more day!! Or, we could celebrate the fact that they’re going away by putting in the work! It was time to choose the work. Let’s get out and VOTE!
Circled up and put eyes on the lunar eclipse which made for some fun warm ups. We did the usual side straddle hops, hillbillies and weed pickers.
The Thang:
We moseyed over to Turf field 2 and the PAX noticed that the field had been prepared by YHC. Lights were set out at each of the sixteen stations across the field. The lights spelled out the word VOTE across the field(see Strava attempt above), and at each light there was a piece of paper with an exercise listed. Quick note to the PAX that the Exicon is there for your viewing pleasure. The Exicon was needed to pull off a hidden message in this workout…more on this later.
We counted off by fours and split up accordingly with each team starting on a different letter. The voting machine commenced…here’s what we did at the stations:
- Duck Walk – to the first station
- E2Ks – elbows to knees -20
- Squats – 20
- Alternating Shoulder Taps – 20 AC
- Nutcrackers – 10AC
- Tony Hawk Burpees – 10 – burpee with a 360 spin between
- Imperial Walkers – 20 AC
- Superman Merkins – 20
- Flying Nuns – to the next station
- One Legged Burpees – 10
- Rockette Crab Dips – 15 may have made this one up
- Pattycake Merkins – 10
- Rosalita – 20
- Elvis Squats – 20 – Copperhead squats, but I needed an ‘E’ exercise
- Sweat Angels – 20 – the PAX loved these
- !! (exclamation points) – 20 – aka Jump Squats
Why the crazy exercises with all the weird names?
1. The exicon must be perused from time to time just for giggles
2. Because if you have a message you’re trying to hide in the workout, you need some help from the exicon.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, read the first letter of each of the exercises…read down the page. Not pushing political views, only throwing out personal thoughts!
Fun times planning this one out. Thanks to the PAX for putting in some hard work!
Blood Drive the day before Thanksgiving
Santa Ruck coming up on December 11th- thanks to Cam’s for volunteering to pick up cans and toys for those unable to go to the event