DRWs in Brunswick County NC Beaches

When: All summer long

QIC: You

PAX (): Other PAX from F3 Nation who are on vacation at the southern NC beaches

Are you a #SadClown when on vacation at one of the Brunswick Co, NC Beaches?  That includes Sunset Beach, OIB, Holden, Oak Island, Bald Head, Kure Beach, Carolina Beach.

@F3BrunswickDRW is a service to connect the southern-NC-beach-vacationing men of F3 Nation for DRWs to help you avoid #SadClown syndrome.  Here is how it works:

  1. You follow @F3BrunswickDRW
  2. When you are nearing vacation you tweet “hey, @F3BrunswickDRW anyone at OIB (or Sunset or Carolina, etc) anyone want to get together for a workout (or ride or run).  I’ve got the Q”
  3. @F3BrunswickDRW will RT your tweet to the thousands (yes we are thinking big) of Pax like you who have followed @F3BrunswickDRW
  4. You and your newfound friends take it from there to pick an AO, day & time.
  5. You tweet you AO, day & time to @F3BrunswickDRW and we will RT it (again to our thousands of followers)
  6. You tweet your backblast to @F3BrunswickDRW  and we will RT it

11 thoughts on “DRWs in Brunswick County NC Beaches”

  1. Any pax in Oak Island this weekend? YHC gets there Friday night and can meet up for a beatdown on Saturday. Let me know.

  2. Hey all…so this Saturday the 10th is Week 6. Q 101. Then OBT is coming to our original AO on the 13th and so we are all convening there. The 17th is covered and then we are planning Tuesday and Thursday morning workouts beginning the 20th. If anyone wants to help with a Guest Q. Just lemme know! Thanks!


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