
4/3/17: 4 Corners Mashup

Spring Break is in full season and that includes fartsackers….and maybe some people that are out of town. There were 5 PAX on a breezy Monday morning ready for a glorious beatdown. As we are getting our beach bods ready here is the thang. Warm up SSH imperial walkers Cotton …

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The Masters

After a rain soaked Monday at the hallowed grounds of Augusta National, it was imperative that all of the contenders start off Tuesday with a solid day of practice.  6 HIM’s from Big Creek knew that the same was true if they were to show up in top form for …

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route66 kicks

Well, birthday bash snuck up YHC this year. Normally get to take the day off from ordinary work but not this time. This was not going to be a B-Day Q, but a Q on a B-Day. Strong turnout of 12 PAX for a spring-break beat down, in glorious weather. …

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A beautiful day for a beatdown

Unfortunately Lawdog could not be at our little shindig this morning and asked for a someone to guest Q for the day, also unfortunately that stuck the group with another babyface beatdown.  We were also lucky enough to have a guest from the Rubicon, Do-si-do, to keep the Q in …

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One HIM changed at a time, Through F3

Brothers In an effort to recognize Pax and their transformation through the Shield Lock of F3, the F3QSource will be spotlighting different groups and individuals that have benefited through the aspects of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Everyone has a different story and reason for the betterment of the F3 brotherhood. …

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Easy Go for the win.

To be completely honest, YHC had only about half this workout planned out when pulling into the lot at the #Widow-Maker. But such is the wealth of this AO… the inspiration for exercise is endless, providing feature after feature to be leveraged by the Q in the pursuit of the …

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These Merkins are no joke

For the record, I had no intention of a nice and easy day.  That was a poor attempt a April Fools humor, very poor.  For the men who showed up for the morning beatdown, there was no fooling them, for if I had given them a nice and easy workout, …

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The Morning After… The morning after… The storms last night, the fire that took out I-85 downtown… take your pick! Lots of conversation this morning. Mufasa regaled us with stories of Ireland and hardware stores with pubs built in.  And pubs that farmers used to take their cows in to have them …

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Mercy Mary

The Thang… Warmup – SSH / Peter Parker / Plankjacks in cadence x 2 Mosey to wall between the fields before you get to the track. 4 Minutes of Mary – 30 seconds of each of these exercises – LBC, Low flutter, high flutter, low dolly, high dolly, american hammer, …

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