
Back Blast from the Past

As YHC has said before, I wait for inspiration to strike to plan a beatdown. Yesterday, it rained off and on all day with a forecast that said it would continue well into Monday with over a 60% chance of rain in the gloom.  While it ultimately let up in …

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10 PAX for 11’s on the Hill

We set out to find out why it’s called the Worst Merkin Ever.  YHC gets it now.  We’ll see if the Wednesday Q wants to break out Mucho Chesto and torture the PAX after a chest-blasting Monday.  Here’s what went down: Warmup: SSH X 15 Squat X 10 Cotton Pickers …

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Close to Kodi-YAK

It was a another wonderful daybreak at the kodiak, perfect for a good hunt.  Se we moseyed to the front of the Bear statue for some strong inspiration then: Warm up: 10 Monkey humpers 10 Cotton Pickers 10 Imperial Walkers The Thang Moseyed to the track for Contra Burpees and …

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What goes down must come back up

12 PAX posted to Widowmaker this morning for a sunrise beatdown. A hearty F3 welcome to FNG Catfish. A special shout out to Crack for rocking the skimpiest tank top I’ve seen at a beatdown to date. Easy to mistake for a sports bra … props for making a bold …

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The Alpharetta Tour of Homes

8 PAX showed up on Milton Ave for Hoppy-like this morning, a new record!  Was it the 7 mile long run last week that got the AlphaMen out on this fine morning? Or was it the promise of only 4.5 miles this week?  You be the judge. Whatever the reason …

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Kodiak Back Blast

Warm up: SSH Cotton Pickers Leg stretches Arm circles In Cadence Exercise: Double Quarter Pounder– On the soccer field. Sprint to the 25 yards and Do 25 merkins, Run backwards to Goal And Sprint to the 50 and do 50 Mountain Climbers, Backwards to Goal Line sprint to the 75 …

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Fartsack shmartsack

Everybody showed up with their gloves this morning after I-Beam tried to shred our hands on Tuesday’s beatdown. If I-Beam had showed up this morning I had a special army crawl through the parking lot ready for him… Warmup: 20 count Side Straddle Hop, 10 count Imperial Walker and Cotton …

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Mucho Chesto Bear Crawls?

13 PAX posted on a beautiful morning for your QIC’s VQ @Alpha #Rubicon. Some noticed that YHC was wearing gloves and soon realized to always be prepared.  Time came and we moseyed. Warm up SSH Imperial Walkers Cotton Pickers Shoulder Rotations – Lexicon unknown, but important for the thang to …

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Old Dogs Learning New Tricks

7 PAX entered the gloom this A.M. for a daily does of the red pill, 6 of which were on time!  YHC had planned to mosey out with no warm up, but Boomer suggested we wait on Sunshine based on his message board post.  YHC also learned that theDab might …

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