Pivot to Ruck

AO: Starting Line

When: 2024-03-20

QIC: Script Kiddie

PAX (3): Jolt, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot


Pre-Ruck was a solo affair so I took a stroll around the AO then got back in time to see SirMixalot arrive at the pavilion.


Yeah Right, its a Ruck

The Thang:

My original idea was not to ruck but instead get a regular BD in but with the numbers being low and  a rough night had by all we pivoted to a ruck soooo SirMixalot and I headed out towards/past the middle school and took our normal-ish route,. Along the Trek we stumbled on a familiar face... Jolt joined us to finish the ruck. As time was running out we took a loop around the  track in the park then decided to take a trip up Mt Everest and 3 calf raises on each step. With that done it was time to head to the pavilion for COT


Prays for the travelers and for the injured PAX

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I know my original plan was a standard BD, with a long mosey to start the festivities that would probably have caused much "joy" among the PAX, but the pivot to a ruck with some much needed conversation about current situations I am dealing with was truly what I needed, then you to SirMixalot for listening to my word vomiting/venting.  And thanks to Jolt for finding us and joining in the conversation . So many times we, well I, get so focused on the Fitness part of F3 but the Fellowship and Faith is sometimes what we need way more then Fitness and the ruck conversations were exactly what I needed to start the day.

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