
AO: Galaxy

When: 2023-09-29

QIC: Tweaker

PAX (8): AOC, Fenway, McLovin (Amir Oren), New Coke, Skol, Sparky, Steamer, Tweaker


QIC figured we didn't get enough use of cinderblocks this week, so decided to end with some Cinder 11's.


  • Bear Hugs
  • Skål claps
  • Arm circles (forward and backward)
  • Don Quixotes

The Thang:

Two rounds of 11s with Cinderblocks across the field next to the pavilion. Round 1. Cinder Merkins <-----> Cusak to other side <------> Overhead Press Round 2 at the Pavilion Step ups with Cinder <-----> Big Boy Cinder Press from Iron Pax

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