Boneyard Tour

AO: Boneyard

When: 09/25/2023

QIC: Stroller

PAX (13): Animal, Bo Knows, Chanel, Darkside, FannyPack, Feathers, Floater, Mater, Mounty, Scrooge, Speedo, Stroller, Trebek


At Mater’s request, YHC picked up this Q a few weeks back. A few ideas swirled around my head and as I went to bed last night a plan was mostly formed. As 0530 approached, a few regulars were at the flag and we were soon joined by our IPC aslyum seekers. Even more rolled up as the disclaimer was given and we began our mosey


Quick run to Mater’s parking lot. High knees while Scrooge gets a headlamp. Then each of the following:

  • Weedpicker x 10
  • Imperial Walker x 10
  • Copperhead Squat x10
  • Covids OYO

Continue our run to the donut by the senior center thing.

The Thang:

Homer’s Donut- bear crawl around the donut, stop for 5 mercans on Q’s call. We bear crawled approximately 1.5 circles with an indiscriminate number of stops.

Mosey across Morphine’s field to the memorial entrance. Salute the fallen with 21 burpees.

Mosey along the path to the pull-up bars. 5 rounds of Cindy: 5 pull-ups, 10 mercans, 15 squats.

Long mosey along the path to the split. Paused for the 6, then initiated Lt. Dan: 4 lunge walks:1 squat, 8:2, etc.

We made it through 6 rounds before a reprieve was granted.

Light jog to the big bench. Here we performed a mini Dora, with 1 partner running to the park exit and back while the other exercised. 50 shoulder taps, 100 monkey humpers, 150 American hammers.

Enter the tunnel for BTTT. Fanny Pack was the big winner today. Add in 10 donkey kicks for good measure.

Final mosey toward the flag, but then pull over to the lacrosse field. Line up on one baseline, we will traverse the field with a combination of burpee broad jumps and running, switching on Q’s call. Make it across once and back to the flag. Various PAX called Mary. It was great.


  • Darkside and the loss of his father
  • Speedo for peace and wisdom in the weeks leading up to his son’s wedding

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Love the growth of this group and will miss our IPC asylum seekers. You are always welcome at the Boneyard, even outside of September

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