Deck of Death – It was fun

AO: Windjammer

When: 09/22/2023

QIC: Cookie

PAX (10): Caroline, Cookie, Deep dish, Dipstick, False Start, NRA, Sparkie, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie


Short and sweet backblast today. 10 PAX took the daily red pill and posted in the gloom on a beautiful September morning.


Head to the dam for the normal routine.

The Thang:

Back at the main parking lot by the flag, we circled up for an F3 Deck of Death beatdown.

Add 10 reps to the card number

-face cards are 25 reps

-Aces are 100 reps

-Jokers are pick your poison

*music was played


Great group today. A few prayers were mentioned. NLB beatdown and breakfast hosted by the Hooch tomorrow.

Honored to lead.

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