Turning Back the Hands of TIme (well, we tried)

AO: Boneyard

When: 07/31/2023

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (10): Birdie, Chanel, Darkside, FannyPack, Morphine, Speedo, Trebek, Zohan, Brownie


Given YHC’s recent birthday, as well as several others, AND a high amount of respect at this morning’s beatdown, it very evident that a we needed to try to reverse the aging process (or give it the good ole college try). SO……YHC had an epiphany – maybe exercising in a counter-clockwise might help that process. Only one way to find out – so with no FNG’s in tow, the quick disclaimer was given and off we went.


10 each of: Weedpickers, Overhead Claps, Willy Mays Hays, Moroccan Nightclubs, SSH’s. Mosey over to the circle by the community center.

The Thang:

  1. Keeping it simple, pax conducted exercises at 6/3/12/9 o’clock, doing rep patterns of 5/10/15/20/15/10/5, and moving to each hour with a specific mode of transport. When complete with 5 on the down elevator at 12, use mode of transport to get back to 6. Exercises/ mode of movement as follows: Jumps squats (bear crawls), Mercans (lunge walks), Monkey Humpers (broad jumps), Carolina Drydocks (Bernie Sanders), Bonnie Blairs (high knees). Imperial Walker/Hillbilly/Freddy Mercury/LBC for the 6. Mosey to the concession stand.
  2. Find a spot of wall, conduct Tabatas with alternating exercises of BTTW and donkey kicks; active rest with holding a wall squat. Mosey to the flag
  3. On your own Burpees x 5, and LBC’s x8 (AND THAT WAS TIME!)


Announcements: 8/5 don’t forget the FIA/F3 convergence at Brooke Street Park in Alpharetta; 8/11-12 (24 hours from 7 PM Friday to 7 PM Saturday), the Ready-Mix Quad (1k swim, 10k run, 50 k bike, 20k ruck) – there will be a group ruck starting/finishing at Doublegate Swim/Tennis pool, wheels up at 1 PM; 8/19 change of command at the Widowmaker; and 8/26 the Darth Visor CSAUP at Fowler Park….PHEW, that’s a busy August!

Prayers/praises for: FannyPack’s 18 anniversary and his new job search; Birdie’s father’s visit and subsequent safe return to LA; Zohan’s 6th MANNY and birthday; and travel mercies and bon voyage to Morphine.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Normally, YHC might wax poetic, but for today, there’s a little sadness, great thankfulness, and anticipation for our friend Morphine’s departure for the great white north (i.e, Naperville). It’s a great opportunity for him and his family, and for that we rejoice. However, we’re all going to have to step up to fill the void he leaves. Frankly, YHC started his new career in earnest after he provided a real truth nugget, and truly thankful for that. We will absolutely miss you, and can’t wait to hear how well things go – and rest assured, the guys at F3 Naperville are good dudes and will be better with your presence. Fair winds and following seas, my friend!

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