Substi-Q Ruck

AO: Starting Line

When: 06/24/2023

QIC: Seaman

PAX (13): CATFISH, Janeway, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Rocket, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Sirmixalot, Zuckerburg/Snorlax, Dorothy, Snap, Kragle, Weasley


5 for the 6am pre-ruck, 1 pre-runner


Gave the disclaimer, core values, and we were off to tour the greater Dawsonville area.

The Thang:

This was a ruck with pain stations, I let you all down as we failed to do monkey humpers in front of the firehouse.  This was a more chaotic sort of route (even for YHC).

The PAX had suggestions, and I was in the mood to say Yes, so we made our way to the high school, and Sir-Mix-A-Lot mentioned a trail into the woods which proved to a Raider course.

There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth that our own Komrad was not there to see it.

The pain stations:


American Hammers

Calf Raises

Bleacher laps

some ruck running

Some merkins waiting for the six

I had plans to help my BIL move some VERY heavy furniture, so I was saving my arms.




Announcements:  Rome Ruck

prayers for the pax

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for letting me lead.

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