Summer School

AO: The Wreck

When: 06/23/2023

QIC: Sic’em

PAX (11): Avis, Boomstick, Juul, Mountain Mama, Pusher, rip, Sic’em, Sundance, Tiny Dancer, Yankee, ocho


Worked on counting by 10’s and spelling as YHC misspelled Merkin on the big board.  The class also learned what SPROG is, not a sprint or a jog, but a SPROG!


Mosey to the back lot for a quick warm up, about half way through Sundance joined us looking like shoeless Joe Jackson from Field of Dreams emerging from the corn as he appeared through the fog by the baseball field.


Weed Pickers

Toy Shoulders

Michael Phelps

The Thang:

Head to the FB field as the big board was waiting

(10) 100 yard SPROGS

90 Merkins

80 Squats

70 Freddie Mercury’s

60 Mountain Climbers

(5) 50 yard laps (alternating jog, side shuffle, back peddle)

40 Burpies

30 yard bear crawl

20 Bobby Hurley’s

10 Stadiums

Dips on the wall for  the six and head back to the flag, for round of American hammers and box cutters as time was called!



Class was silent, always a pleasure and privilege to lead this group.  Keep encouraging others and extending the F3 invite, you never know who may need F3 in there life, I know its been a huge blessing in mine!

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