Fiddy 4

AO: The Wreck

When: 06/20/2023

QIC: aflac

PAX (18): Alvin Townley, Blue, Cliff - Chris Noto, Coat Check, gmonkey, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Miyagi, Mountain Mama, Raider, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Sell-out, Sic’em, Sundance, Nutmeg, Mango


YHC has an annual habit of recycling an OG Q for his annual trip around the sun, however, 2 factors conspired to for a change-up: – a long run the day prior and potential thunderstorms threatening to scuttle any plans to venture far from the flag.  Safety would rule the day; Q directed all PAX to bring coupons for a solid day of lifting within shouting distance of the flag.


With 17 strong in tow, Q led PAX up the main road to the first parking lot for the following warm-ups:

  • SSHs
  • Hillbillys
  • Abe Vigodas

The Thang:

To get things started, Q directed PAX to the base of the drive up past the CAB and delivered the following instructions:

  • Half the PAX would farmer-carry coupons backwards up the hill, while the other half would perform 10 Mercans.
  • Each PAX finishing Mercans would run up the hill and relieve a farmer-carrying PAX while they performed 10 Mercans.
  • Rinse ‘n repeat until reaching the speed-bump at the top, where all PAX would perform 54 repetitions of an exercise (reps of a specific exercise to match your age, plus Mercans to reach a total of 54 reps).

Q led the group through 4 rounds of the above with 54 reps of the following at the top:

  • Curls
  • Rows
  • Overhead Press
  • Skull Crushers

With the 4th round under our belt, Q directed all PAX to tote coupons to the playground and gather up for Round 2.  Instructions were given as follows:

  • As before, half the PAX would farmer-carry coupons from the playground up the path/steps to the stop-sign by the road and back.
  • The remaining PAX would perform repeated rounds of the following while waiting for the first group to return:  10 Pull-Ups, 20 Mercans, 30 Squats.
  • Swap roles with each PAX upon return.
  • Rinse ‘n repeat until Q calls time.

Plenty of mumble-chatter on this one with PAX losing all ability to grip anything more substantial than a pencil after the first round.

With T-5 on the clock, Q made the call to head back to the flag with a minute to spare for a quick round of American Hammers before time was called.




  • Mark your calendars for the 6th (?) annual Crabtree – 7/4 at 0700.  Details to come.
  • Ready-Mix Quad – keep an eye on Slack for details.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It’s a special group that will rally at 0530 on a rainy morning to sweat and celebrate a bday Q.  We’re all very blessed that we do such things for each other without giving it a second thought.  I can’t imagine starting my day any better way.

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