Clear the Board redux part 3 version 4.8 rev 10
AO: Gladiator
When: 05/11/2023
QIC: Speedo
PAX (15): Bo Knows, Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Judy, Laces, Macbeth, Scratch-Off, Snowbird, Speedo, WhiteWater, Brownie, Huey
Late substi-Q forced me to quickly come up with a plan. Borrowed something Lil Hurt did earlier this week at the Rubicon. A good ol’ board of pain is all you need for a good beatdown.
Mosey to the middle pavilion parking lot for:
- Weed pickers IC x10
- Hillbillies IC x10
- SSH IC x10
- WGS oyo
- Hangovers oyo
The Thang:
Mosey to the pavilion where the BOP was set up. The goal was to clear the board. The guys initially just grabbed an exercise and did it. As the morning progressed, teamwork came into play as we tried to knock out all of the exercises somewhat evenly. YHC also added some bonus exercises that I pulled out throughout the workout and everyone did those as well. We made it back to the flag in time for Brownie to lead us in some burpees (shocker).
Welcome FNG Huey! He killed this morning. An the FNG from Tuesday, Whitewater, was back which was awesome.
Prayers for DC2’s job search
Prayers for Speedo’s two friends who are dealing with life-changing health concerns.
Murph planned for Memorial Day at multiple locations. Check slack for details.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Last-minute Q’s can be a lot of fun since I tend to overthink things at times and these don’t allow for overthinking. I really liked how the guys worked together to finish the board. No one ever stopped and it took all but about 30 seconds of the time to get this done. Proud to be able to lead and to be a part of this group of men.
— Speedo out