Wrong Number, Who Dis?
AO: Nirvana
When: 06/18/2022
QIC: No-See-Um
PAX (8): Dosido, Pinkey, PitStop, Red Ryder (D Mack), Special K, Stu, The Real Woody
After last week’s debacle of YHC fartsacking, but honestly for everyone’s sake as folks may have been carrying me around all beatdown……YHC knew he had to take the Q for today.
2 pre-ruckers and 8 total pax posted for a beautiful Saturday here in Milton. This AO may be a hidden gem as YHC threw some call-outs to other local AO’s and/or specific pax. Just don’t want y’all to be missing out is all!!
7:00 am hit, disclaimer was given and we were off.
To the parking lot at right of MHS:
High knees (NOT At Ease) – Butt Kicks – SSH – Imp. Walkers – Side Shuffle both directions – Karaoke both directions – Weed Pickers (First EH’ing opportunity failed) – Frankensteins – Bernie Sanders – Mtn. Climbers – Shoulder Taps….mosey to flag pole.
Calling this added warm-up:
Bear Crawl Ring of Fire:
Pax would Bear Crawl in circle and when YHC says stop each pax did 10 Merkins individually while other planked. Two rounds finished up our warm-up.
The Thang:
Thang #1
To the Stadium for some partner work – ISH. Each group of partners would name, on a 3-2-1 count, an exercise and a number. First round would consist of one theme (partner groups 1-4) and Second round another theme.
First Round (from the goal line):
- Gronk’s/3 = Gronk’s (aka Fire Hydrants) every 5 yards to the 30 yard line – mosey back. *Stu called cadence like a champ!
- Merkins/8 = 5 Merkins at every 10 yards for 80 yards (so to the other 20) – mosey back.
*EH’ing opportunity #2 – Stu was determined to get the “Hillseeker-esque runner” to join us. The runner proceeded to give Stu a fake cell # and tell him that he’d back out with us next Saturday
- Squats/6 = 10 Squats at every 10 yards for 60 yards (so to other 40) – mosey back.
Some other exercise/number here but YHC waited too long to write this so forgot, haha!
Second Round (stadium stairs):
- Hand Release Merkins / Stadiums – 6 HR Merkins at each top section.
- 10 Burpees / Lap / 10 Burpees
- Plank Jacks / Stadiums – 5 PJ’s at bottom, 5 at top…all the way across.
- 10 Pickle Pointers at every 100 meters for full lap.
Thang #2
To the hill for some more Bear Crawls
Bear Crawl up then
5 Burpees
10 Bonnie Blairs (alpha count)
15 Turkish Get-Ups
*This is where Red Ryder tweaked the back and all the pax halted the Turkish Get-Ups….RR stretched it out and slowly got to his feet. He walked it back from here and hopefully is all good!
Now time to Crawl Bear back down hill.
One more round up the hill but YHC flipped it and men were asked to Crawl Bear up hill to failure and everyone gave it their all. Repeato on the exercises at top but only 10 TGUp’s.
Mosey to Red Ryder’s six to check on him and back to flag for 3 MOM!
*One more EH’ing opportunity but The Real Woody pussed out…..I mean, it was a girl though so we wouldn’t have allowed it
Prayers for Red Ryders back and that he’ll be alright.
Prayers for pax traveling over next couple weeks.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
A much more enjoyable early morning temperature #ITG and the pax responded.
Great morning with the Nirvana crew and always fun to be had at the best, NEW, Saturday AO in F3 Alpha!!! Maybe we’ll get HaHa out one day