Do Hard Things
AO: Gladiator
When: 01/13/2022
QIC: Speedo
PAX (11): Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Feathers, Fire Drill, Moonshine, Scratch-Off, Shrinkage, Tebow, Brownie
**Editors Notes**
- Copy/paste from an Excel list of exercises does not work well
- Ctrl-Z to undo copy/paste clears the backblast form entirely
Cinders were on the menu since they are one of YHC’s Achilles heels. Four pre-runners joined 7 other pax for a total of 11. Disclaimer given and we were off.
Mosey around the parking lot then back to cinders/flag for:
- Weed pickers x10
- SSH x10
- Hillbillies x10
- Arm circles x10
- OH claps x10
Grabbed the cinders and traveled cross-country to the parking lot on the other side of the rec center where the board of pain awaited us.
The Thang:
A simple musical Dora this morning. Partner up and P1 does an exercise while P2 ‘travels’ using one of five different (and rotating) methods then flapjack. The exercise changed each time the song changed. It was ‘fun’ to transition from the exercise to the traveling depending on the combo (e.g. merkins to bear crawls was a delight).
- Curls
- OH Press
- Merkins
- Halos (modify to squats with coupon)
- Skull crushers
- Squats
- Rows
- KB swings
Travel methods:
- Bear crawl to brick building on left and run back
- Crab walk to building then run back
- Crawl bear to building then run back
- Lunge walk to building then run back
- Run to end of parking lot and back
- Repeat from #1
- Can’t Stop – Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Kryptonite – 3 Doors Down
- Self Esteem – The Offspring
- Anthem for the Underdog – 12 Stones
- Too Much Time on My Hands – Styx
- Crumblin’ Down – John Mellencamp
- American Woman – Lenny Kravitz
- Bossa Nova Baby – Elvis Presley
- We’re an American Band – Grand Funk Railroad
YHC had a 10th exercise and song (In the End – Linkin Park) planned but time was short. Moseyed back to the flag for one final exercise…the hand-release prison cell merkin burpee. After demonstrating this horrible exercise to the PAX we each did five on our own. Time was called.
Praises lifted up for Shrinkage’s friends who have conceived after many years of trying, for Wicka’s uncle recovering after successfully donating a kidney, for Tebow’s sister-in-law’s twin girls getting to come home after a few weeks in the NICU, for Dreamer’s daughter’s 3rd birthday, for Scratch-off’s new job, and for each of us having the ability to get up early, work hard and suffer together in fellowship.
Let’s get the Q sheet filled up!!!
Some wise words from Dark Helmet shared via Cookie on Slack:
“It’s cold. You’re tired. No one will really notice if you don’t post.
False. YOU will notice. Stop deceiving yourself. Kick your excuses in the throat and keep moving.”
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Nothing I’d rather do early in the morning than get stronger with you guys. Thanks for working hard and making difficult things easier with jokes and banter and maybe even a few cuss words for effect.
–Speedo out