Real Big Ol’ Boys
AO: AlphaRuck
When: 08/28/2021
QIC: No-See-Um & Caffey
PAX (11): Miller Time, Bottom Bunk, Special K, Ha-Ha, Top Hat, TO, Cookie, Dosido, Lumbergh, Caffey, No-See-Um
Welcome out to NIRVANA, where it may not smell like teen spirit on a Saturday gloom but the beatdowns will make you feel Stupid and Contagious, HA! Hopefully this new AO gives men a great option on a Saturday west of 400 and should draw from all around the Milton area.
Lots of great options surrounding Nirvana and the Q’s have only scratched the surface so far. Excited to see this Saturday spot provide more and more men what F3 is all about so don’t forget to EH and get those Sad Clowns out!
There were 3 Pre-Ruckers, 3-4 Pre-Runners and 5-6 early (5:30 am) Pre-Runners.
No-See-Um welcomed the pax to the official launch and Caffey, the resident attorney of the bunch, gave a very detailed disclaimer and we were off.
Normal Stuff ( SSH, Mtn. Climbers, Windmills, Weed Pickers) then Silent 21’s and we nailed it the first time!
The Thang:
- P1 starts running with the girlfriend while P2 does exercise. Once P2 completes exercise, run and catch P1 (can also choose to bear crawl across field rather than run around)
- Switch places with partner and continue until all exercises are complete.
- Exercises:
- Monkey humpers (25)
- Lunges (25 alpha)
- Merkins (25)
- Dips (25)
- American hammers (25 alpha)
- 100 – Shoulder Taps (Alpha count)
- 200 – Big Boy’s (w/ GF)
- 300 – Squats (w/ GF)
- Covid issues involving many of the pax and just prayers for those suffering and those missing beatdowns b/c of quarantine.
- Caffey’s M’s grandmother not doing well and just heard news that she did pass away late Saturday night.
- TO’s son traveling across country in the coming days.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- Awesome launch for Nirvana and thanks to all those who posted as it was an honor for us (NSU & Caffey) to lead.
- Great job by all pushing through the Girlfriend work today, especially them Real Big Boy’s.
- The Respect men on the morning represented and killed it today, awesome work!
- Miller Time ran a marathon this morning and joined up with the pax about halfway through, then proceeded to crush some girlfriend work.
- F3 Alpha’s Nantan, Cookie, even made the jaunt over for the launch and he may be re-locating after seeing what all the Crabapple/Milton area has to offer, haha!