Historically Ultimate Beatdown
AO: The Grindstone
When: 07/05/2021
QIC: Sculley
PAX (10): Whiz, Zohan, Swiper, Schneider, 5-Way, Pinky (AZ), Snowman, Deuce, FNG – Macchio
YHC promised a “historic beatdown” in keeping with 4th of July celebrations. The extra 15 minutes opened up all kinds of possibilities. Depending on who you ask, the 1st half of the BD could have been “historically sucky”, or maybe it was the 2nd half of the BD that was historic, when we played Ultimate Frisbee at the Grindstone for the very 1st time.
Warm-o-Rama – Short mosey to back parking lot followed by
- 15 SSH
- 12 Windmills
- 12 Hillbillys
The Thang:
Mosey to the rock pile where YHC advised each PAX to pick out a medium coupon. We then proceeded onto the football field where we deposited our coupons in the middle between the sidelines.
The PAX lined up on the near sideline for Modified Super 21s. On the way from sideline to sideline, there was a “tax”. 10 Squats w/ coupons after odds rounds and 10 Curls after even rounds
- Rounds 1-10: Burpees and Peter Parkers (as Deuce pointed out, basically deconstructed Wolverines)
- Rounds 11-15: Flutter Kicks (Alpha Count) and Big Boy Sit Ups
- Rounds 16-21: Who was really counting anyway? It’s not like this beatdown was being audited.
YHC called an audible at the 30-minute mark, and the coupons were returned to the rock pile. We then counted off by 2s for 30-minutes of a closely contested game of ultimate frisbee. It didn’t take long for the cobwebs to come off and for some SportsCenter worthy highlight plays to emerge. Schneider pulled off some wicked tomahawk tosses. Whiz and Deuce laid it all out on the turf for some amazing catches… that will likely leave them with strawberry mementos.
We welcomed FNG Macchio.
Swiper and Snowman reminded us about the memorial beatdown for Darth Visor coming up in August. Keep an eye on Slack for a sign-up sheet for volunteer service opportunities with food, coordination, etc.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The highlight of my week has been introducing my nephews – Pinky and Macchio to F3. F3 hasn’t made it to where they live in Northern Arizona…yet, but these young men may be instrumental in laying some groundwork when they return to campus at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff this fall.
The last few weeks have been hard for me and my family with my father suddenly being diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma and going on to hospice. The opportunity to have my nephews come visit and introducing them to F3 has been one of the silver linings to come out of this family crisis.
F3 has been a constant for me over the last 3 years, while I’ve experienced some significant life transitions in my business and family. I’m grateful for the grace, support and prayers extended by F3 brothers during these times. It’s comforting to have the 1st F outlet several times a week where I can leave my “stuff” at home and get after it in the gloom with F3 brothers. It’s also been therapeutic to be able to openly share the curveballs and transitions that life has been throwing during COT. I’m also grateful for the wisdom shared by F3 brothers and knowing that there are F3 brothers praying for my family. This won’t be forgotten once I manage to “get right” again. My Alpha Brothers have been the guardrails for me through all this. Thank you!