Cinder 11’s – Times 2
AO: The Gladiator
When: 07/16/2019
QIC: Spandex
PAX (17): Tebow, Delicious, Kegger, Postal, Scratch Off, Moonshine, Scrum, Viking, Scar, Brownie, Stud Finder, Blackbox, Shrinkage, Matlock, Laces, Cheneral, Spandex
It was 5:15 and 15 PAX were good to go for a cinder BD. After the obligatory disclaimer, we set out to begin our warmup when we noticed two late arrivals (Wahoo, 17 Total). YHC called an audible and decided to circle the lot as Moonshine and Viking hurried to join the PAX. The PAX performed some fancy footwork up, back, and over the parking lot lines giving a chance for the two late arrivals to join in.
I was glad to see Viking with his portable jukebox! YHC had spent a little time creating an Amazon playlist the night before but had a brain fart and only included 32 minutes of tunes. I don’t know what I was thinking!
Back to where we started, we circled up for some warm-o-rama.
- 15 Toy Soldiers
- 10 Windmills
The Thang:
Each PAX grabbed their own cinder, supplied by Kegger and Scar, and we were off to the pitch to get the BD started. Someone commented that since Manchester was fartsacking, we could just call it the field.
At the baseline, we all lined up with our cinders for the first series of exercises.
11’s were in order alternating walking lunges and thrusters until the 11’s were complete.
- 1 lunge-10 thrusters
- 2 lunges-9 thrusters…
There was very little mumble chatter at this point but most seemed to be enjoying the playlist. The heat and humidity got all of us sweating buckets in relatively short order. After completing this first set most of the PAX had made it to the other end of the field. The gazelles were holding plank position waiting for the six to come in.
After the six was in, the PAX formed two lines and completed an Indian run around the field and returned to our cinders for the second series of exercises. Another set of 11’s was prescribed including block ups and bicep curls with a run to midfield in between.
- 1 block up-10 curls
- 2 block up -9 curls…
According to our resident bean counter, this enabled YHC to sneak in a 1.14 mile run during the 11’s. Thanks for data, Viking!
The gazelles made it through rather quickly and began some Mary while waiting for the six. Once the six was in, the PAX gathered up their cinders and headed for the flag.
At the flag, Tebow started in with a set of 25 kettle swings while the rest of the PAX circled up. Laces called some block merkans, Viking called some cinder presses and American Hammers and then we finished up and recovered.
Cheneral requested prayers for his sermon this Sunday.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As always, it was a pleasure leading this awesome group of men. Thank you all for joining in on the fun and allowing me to lead.