Broke Wheel Barrow
AO: Big Creek
When: 03/19/2019
QIC: Dumpster
PAX (10): Boogeyman (F3 Raleigh), Badger, McDuff, Body, Bell, Inseam, Hammer, Swiper, Whiz, Dumpster.
PAX met up at the flag and noticed a new truck in the parking lot. Up walks an FNG?? No, we were graced with the presence of Boogeyman from F3 Raleigh. All PAX introduced themselves then we were off.
Mosey on down to the bottom of the hill for our Warm-O-Rama. YHC called out:
1)SSH IC 15
2) Weed Pickers IC 15
3) Hillbillies IC 15
The Thang:
PAX mosey on up to the soccer field were we gathered on the goal line. YHC likes to make up his own names, so here’s the Thang:
Broken Wheelbarrow – PAX partnered up for a wheel barrel – 20 paces. After 20 paces, both PAX stopped and did 20 Squats. Switch up and the other PAX barrels for 20 paces, 20 Squats. We conquered the entire soccer field.
Bear Craws – All PAX started at the goal line and Bear Crawl to the 50, where all PAX deposited 5 Burpees. The Body and McDuff are both half squirrel, so they took a little nipper while waiting on the other PAX to finish.
Duck Walk – We need to complete the full field, so all PAX duck walked to the goal line, depositing 5 burpees once they finished.
Big Creek Bridge – PAX lined up, fist PAX ran 10 yards and held a plank. Next PAX went under the planking PAX and ran another 10 yards to Plank. All PAX did the same thing until we ended up at the other side of the field. PAX thought we were done, but YHC though we should Rinse and Repeat.
Coupon Dora – Mosey on down to the coupon pile and gathered our friends. We had too many so the baby coupons got tossed back into the pile. Skull Crushers – 50 Partners ran backwards up hill and Fwd down.
Curls – 100
Overhead Press – 150
While we waited for the 6, Hammer gave some Yoga lessons. No offense to Hammer, but I’ve seen better looking Yoga instructors.
Mosey on back to the flag for 4 minutes of Mary.
Whiz gave some details on the GrowRuck in Georgia coming this August.
Prayer request for Roald, Body’s house permits, and any other unspoken prayers.
Great to meet another F3 brother Boogeyman. Thank you for joining F3Alpha this morning!