Today…be the “Hat-Backwards Guy”

AO: Nirvana

When: 08/10/2024

QIC: No-See-Um

PAX (16): Buckshot, Dosido, Dr. Nemo (Clayton Fulbright), Groundhog, Icee, Koala, MillerTime, Pinkey, Roman, Shortcake, Special K, Tank, Turk, Shut Down, Flea


Pre-Blast was posted the night before and although some arm wrestling could certainly make for an entertaining BD…it was more about Flipping that Switch (turning that hat around like Lincoln Hawk taught us) and giving it all you got. The switch was flipped multiple times this morning but first….about the pre-ruck.

  • 4 Pre-Runners & 9 Pre-Ruckers in the gloom!

Today will forever be known as the day No-See-Um saved Dosido’s life from one of the most venomous, ferocious creepy-crawly’s ever seen in the wild!!!


Mosey to the big field in front of MHS for some Imperial Walkers, Weed-Hoppers, SSH, Mtn. Climbers, Arm Circles, Covids.

The Thang:

Flip The Switch #1 on Trails:
Laps with:
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Bonnie Blairs (AC)
  • 15 Squats
  • 20 Mtn Climbers

Drop an exercise after each lap…..4 total laps

*Switch off and mosey to water break*
Flip The Switch #2 at the Stadium:
  • 50 Diamonds
  • 100 Dips
  • 150 Shoulder Taps
*Switch off*
Flip The Switch #3 at Turf Field:
Harley Quinn’s
  • Odd Yardage Markers (10,30,50,30,10) = Flutters
  • Even Yardage Markers  (20,40,40,20,G) = SSH
Great to see all pax run another 100 to finish up with Shut Down.
*Switch off and mosey to water break.
BTTW for 60 seconds
Back to the flag for 4 MOM.


  • Prayers for Goose who was out for the pre-ruck and looking great.
  • Continued prayers for Thrasher.
  • Prayers for Turkey’s Father-in-Law who just had double lung replacement and is here in Atlanta at Emory.
  • Prayers for Special K’s neighbor who has had cancer come back and will be going back in for treatment.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

  • Great turnout at Nirvana with 13 Pre-Runners/Ruckers and 16 total at the BD.
  • Awesome to have Shut Down (Coach VanHorse) and Koala out this morning putting in some real work!
  • Welcome to FNG – Flea….who was leading the bunch right there with Dr. Nemo during the Harley Quinn’s.
  • Parking Lot Coffeeteria along with doughnut holes and watermelon hit the spot afterwards. Thanks for joining men!

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