The Hooch Celebrates 8 Years and Gets a New Site Q

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-02-12

QIC: Popper

PAX (8): BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Dinghy, Meatball, Spackle, TURK


Since the morning after Super Bowl 57, YHC has gratefully served as Hooch site Q. The morning after Super Bowl 58, it was my honor to pass the shovel flag to Meatball to lead our beloved AO until the next Super Bowl. The two of us jointly designed the morning's workout in honor of tomorrow's Mardi Gras festivities.


Gather with coupons under the Ari Steakhouse awning to get out of the rain and get into the five core principles of F3, the standard disclaimer, and several warmup exercises IC: SSH, WP, WM, IW, AC Fwd/Bwd, MP.

The Thang:

YHC provided weinke's of the below workout and explained that the PAX will complete a column of reps, take a string of beads, and parade down Bourbon Street (mosey the sidewalk median from Ari to Regal and back). Alternate between doing the Old Q column (designed by Yours Truly) and the New Q column (designed by Meatball) AMRAP, earning another string of beads each time, until time is called. YHC struck up an upbeat Mardi Gras themed playlist full of Dixieland Jazz to complete the shtick.
1. Do all of Old Q column
2. Do all of New Q column
3. Rinse & repeat AMRAP
# Reps Old Q New Q
10 Cross-over merkins (single count) Alligator merkins (single count)
15 Squat Thrusters Kettlebell Swings
20 Curls Balls to the Wall (20 seconds)
25 Stiff-legged dead lifts Sumo Squats w/coupon
30 SSH Mountain Climbers (alpha count)
Take a string of beads Take a string of beads
Mosey down Bourbon Street and back Mosey down Bourbon Street and back
About 15 minutes in, a rather frightening lightning display over the Regal theater inspired YHC to adjust the plan and replace the exposed Mosey with PAX' choice of 35 Imperial Walkers or 35 Hillbillies (alpha-count) safely under the awning. We closed the final 3 minutes with Mary in rotating fashion: LBCs, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks.


Prayers for Mrs. Birdie and Mrs. BallBoy in their contending with injuries and surgeries, and for their Messrs. to have servant hearts as they care for their wives. Prayers for the Seaside racing team as many of them fight through various surprise orthopedic and pulmonary hazards in this final week leading up to their race.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

In 2016, the morning after Super Bowl 50, The Hooch AO was born when Boomer and a ragtag gang of misfits gathered in the Regal parking lot in Johns Creek to do boot camp and while risking a lightning strike in the rain. In 2024, the morning after Super Bowl 58, The Hooch AO celebrated 8 years of acceleration and reenacted its founding when Boomer and a ragtag gang of misfits gathered in the Regal parking lot in Johns Creek to do boot camp while risking a lightning strike in the rain. The seed planted at the Hooch in 2016 has borne tremendous fruit in the years since. Dozens of sad clowns like YHC have been transformed into HIMs through iron sharpening iron. Several Johns Creek offshoot AO's  (Bridge, Meathouse, Boneyard, Cropduster) have taken shape as Hooch PAX have branched out to new locations and workout formats. The Gwinnett region was planted by Homer whose FNG post and formative years in F3 were at the Hooch. YHC can't wait to see what we do next! Hooch feels like home and YHC is so very grateful for my brothers in the gloom.

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