Talk about a Home Run

AO: Hoppylike

When: 2024-02-09

QIC: lumbergh

PAX (13): Beaker, Chugga, Credit Check, DeLorean, Ha-ha, HotSauce, Huffy, Lefty, Mayhem, Nacho Libre, Soler, Sunshine


Waiting around in a service center and saw an open Q. Grabbed it and found a nice route by my home, just in case I forget something....which I did...doh.    

The Thang:

First I drove to Container Store, then we all ran up Thompson, some diverging ways around the city. Behind the hotel, Down Canton, Up Mayfield, through Milton Estates passing the home I just left with some extra for some folks. And reverse it home (or you know go through Academy or do what you want at that point)   Everyone made it back and for the first time in a minute we all hit that lot right at 6:15. That's some good F3 timing!   Then I drove home again.


Ah Crap, I just remembered I had done a super bowl theme one a few years ago to try to predict the winner of the game and then we never did it again. I wonder if Hollywood still has his trophy from that day. Prayers for Pax and their families and friends this morning. Hillseeker: "Don't let the goal scare you away...Let the cause bring you in" (Dang, that's chilling that I could say something so proficient.)

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead and try to EH some new neighbors.

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