Irene visits the Norsemen

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-02-06

QIC: Irene

PAX (17): Bottom Bunk, Cam's, Chapter 11, Crikey, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Huffy, Knight Rider, Matlock, Pepper, Shortcake, TO, Tumbleweed, Untouchable


YHC is on the march throughout Alpha Central and Johns Creek with the goal of Qing at each AO at least once. The AOs whose Q sheets fill the fastest get the earliest visits, so I'm here at the Norsemen 2nd overall. Knight Rider led the way on a pre-ruck with YHC and we passed on prerunner outside the park who couldn't be seen under their headlamp.


No FNGs were present, so YHC threw out a quick disclaimer and off we went to the parking lot. SSH, Weedpickers, Copperhead Squats, Imperial Walkers, COVIDs, and Arm Circles. Back to the pavilion and all the way through to the back picnic pavilion.

The Thang:

1st Thang: 11s of Dips and Donkey Kicks A quick 11s between the starting pavilion and the picnic pavilion for 11s. Dips on the picnic tables, mosey to the pavilion, and donkey kicks against the wall. With the Pax sufficiently warmed up, we moseyed to the lit football field near the old shovel flag location for the Main Thang. Main Thang: Double-Dora Pax partnered up in one endzone. The endzone pax performed the F3 Trinity of 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBCs while waiting for their partner to return from the "run" portion. "Running" pax ran out to the next yardage marker (cones on every 10 yard marker except the 50) and performed the listed exercise with reps matching the yardage. Bernie back and flapjack with your partner. 10 Absolutions 20 Fire Hydrants (Single Count) 30 1-leg Donkey Kicks (Single Count) 40 J. Los (Single Count) 40 J. Los (Single Count) 30 1-leg Donkey Kicks (Single Count) 20 Fire Hydrants (Single Count) 10 Absolutions EZ 100 American Hammers (Single Count) Pax were able to complete 1.5 sets of the F3 Trinity Dora along with 1.5+ sets of the "running" portion. With 2 minutes to spare, YHC called it and everyone headed for the shovel flag. We returned 20s behind a perfect 45 minutes. Good Work All.


Pax circled up for Prayers, Praises, and Announcements.
  1. Prayers for Chapter 11's friend Jeff who adopted (3?) children from China with at least one having special needs.
  2. Join the Event Challenge for February - 1st F: Cinder Curls, 2nd F: 5 Minutes with your M, 3rd F: Weekly Verses, and Bonus F: No Sugar. Check out Slack for more details.
  3. Check out the Alpha Royal Flush Challenge: Pax are challenged to Q and post in different AOs around the region to collect cards. The first 5 pax to collect all 20 different cards will receive a F3 Deck of Death.
  4. Prayers for those travelling, those in need, and those unwilling to share aloud.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you all for having me. I truly enjoy visiting different AOs and seeing what everyone has to offer. Today's happy happenstance was bumping into Matlock - we were in the same section in Law School at UGA. It's great to see everyone getting out and recruiting new people to join our F3 community. It was a pleasure to lead today. Looking forward to coming back.

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