Hills and Conversations

AO: Jailbreak

When: 2023-11-16

QIC: Happy Tree

PAX (12): Ansel Adams, Cha-Ching, Dream Boat, Herbie (Bryan Cere), Joro, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Pinkman, Samsonite, Schneider, Shroot


Pre-runners that get up way too early.  I wish I could get to bed earlier so I could join them at some point.


A little stretching, a few lunges and squats and we were off on the run.

The Thang:

Lots of group conversations while running although some faster pace runners (several finished 5 miles in 45 minutes versus the normal 4.25 to 4.5.


Prayers for Schneider's dad and the treatment plan that the doctor's come up with. Safe travels for all that are traveling this upcoming week.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We miss Napalm.

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