All Blessings

AO: The Bound

When: 07/26/2023

QIC: MillerTime

PAX (15): 40, Deuce, Ha-ha, Nacho Libre, Red Ryder (D Mack), Scampi, Snowman, Tricycle (Mike Stolorena), Tsunami, Training Wheels, PM, Little Foot, Moose, Yellowstone,


It’s been tough to get on that Q sheet lately (not really) but it was open this week so it was time once again to lead.

Strong pre runner turn out with 5.


To the low rumble of groans, we moseyed up the dirt road in the dark to the ghost lot.  It’s a bit of a scary destination but no problem with 15 fit men in tow.

We did some warm up stuff and then a round of circle burp.  Nacho didn’t like getting his hands dirty but he’s a team player

The Thang:

After a return to the lot by the gym, we gathered for a classic partner dora.

50 Burpees
100 alpha shoulder taps
200 Squats
300 proper LBC’s

Because very few pax had ever learned a proper LBC, the exercise became much harder than normal and took on a different meaning.

Mosey to the back wall for some partner BTTW  / air chair.  60 seconds and flip flop.

Back to the BBall court and time.


It’s amazing and noteworthy that today was all about praise / blessings.

Nacho had a great first meeting for a potential adoption situation
Tricycle 1 year anniversary
Little Foot building a strong relationship with his son
Training Wheels wife has started rehab and doing well

Naked-Man Moleskin:

NLB continues to be a blessing for so many!

Thanks to all the men of CMG Grindstone-Blackwater-Big Creek-jerico-storm for supporting What Limits Project efforts at NLB by buying a Get Uncomfortable shirt!

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